Dunisilk Tablecovers
Re usable Paper Table Covers
If you are looking for a disposable paper table cover that has the capacity to be re-used more than once then Dunisilk is the answer. Made by Duni, the paper has a wipe clean coating giving it a silky feel, hence the name. Dunisilk is robust enough to be wiped clean and re-used on multiple occasions making it a very popular choice within the catering and hospitality sector.
Dunisilk is available in a Banquet rolls (118cm x 25m), Slip Covers (84cm x 84cm) and Table Covers (118cm x 120cm). In addition to the standard sizes, Blue Jigsaw converts banquet rolls into a much wider range of table cover sizes including circles, large rectangles and ovals. Table covers widths are limited to 118cm, as defined by the maximum width of the banquet roll.
When it comes to colour choice it is worth pointing out that Dunisilk is primarily aimed at the hospitality sector, so unlike the Dunicel product, the colour choice has a business use bias.
The current design name for Dunisilk is Linnea. As in all previous design variations Linnea is a two tone, all over design. (Previous design names include Zala, Circuits... all based on tone in tone designs). In addition to Linnea, Dunisilk is also available in White Uni colour (all product sizes) plus banquet rolls in Uni colour Silver and Gold. The main Dunisilk design (Linnea, at time of posting) is usually refreshed every 2 to 3 years; once the design is updated, we sell off our legacy stock quickly to make way for the new design.
In reality, the most widely used product variation is the Dunisilk Slip Cover, busy establishments buy the product in full cartons of 100 and is a quick and simple process to changeout on table settings. The Slip Cover will have fold lines when opened up and placed on the table top.
Blue Jigsaw offers in-house paper conversion and packing services which allows us to offer a full range of crease free Dunisilk Table Covers; particularly useful for banquets and conferences when customers prefer not to have fold lines on display.
Domestic customers may have seen pre-packed Dunisilk Tablecovers in supermarkets; these products are supplied in the wider 138cm size (eg 138cm x 220cm). The pre-pack range of colourful printed designs is made primarily for the retail sector and is therefore unavailable to most Duni suppliers that operate within the ‘professional’ hospitality sector.